MoreClockTool (MCT) Download

MoreClockTool (MCT) Download



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  • official MoreClockTool (MCT) is a program that combines the capabilities of MorePowerTool (MPT) and Red BIOS Editor (RBE) and allows you to easily overclock new AMD graphics cards without using Wattman from AMD drivers. The program has a simple and convenient interface, in which there are all the necessary functions for adjusting the frequency, voltage, power, memory and fans of the graphics card. In addition, the program supports loading and saving profiles of settings, including Wattman profiles.  The program works in real time and allows you to see the changes immediately


  • Control buttons.

 In the drop-down list, you can select the desired graphics card from those available in the system. The “Set” button applies the changes of settings to the graphics card, the “Reset” button returns the settings to the factory defaults. The “Load” and “Save” buttons are used to load and save profiles of settings. A feature of the program is that you can load and use Wattman profiles created earlier. The “Exit” button closes the program. Frequency min/max (MHz)

In this section, you can set the frequency of the graphics card in megahertz, without using the percentage value that often confuses users in Wattman. The frequency range can be changed within the safe mode using MPT.

  •  Voltage (mV)

 Here you can limit the voltage of the graphics card from above. The voltage-frequency curve can be defined in advance in MPT, as well as the voltage range from above (if you go beyond the factory limit, then you need to be careful with the safe mode!)

  •  GPU power (%)

 Here you can increase the preset TGP by a certain percentage. The maximum value can also be changed through MPT

  •  Fast memory sync level and Fan

 The setting is similar to Wattman.


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